6 Choices for change.
Welcome to a journey of conscious living and intentional choices! In a world filled with endless advice on happiness and self-improvement, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Today, we're cutting through the noise to focus on six powerful choices that can transform your life. No, this isn't about complicated routines, extensive journaling, or sitting in silence for hours.
These are simple, practical choices that, when made consciously, can lead to profound shifts in your well-being.
#1: the superstar of the list. Gratitude.
You’ve heard endless blah about gratitude but here’s the thing – for rewiring your brain and making you happier, there is NO OTHER MORE POWERFUL THING. No drug, no course, no book, no class.
And no, you don’t need to keep a journal (fun fact, I’m not a fan of journalling). Click here to read my research on how a simple mnemonic as you tuck into bed at night can grow your prefrontal cortex and make you sleep better and feel happier.
#2: Mindfulness.
No, nothing to do with sitting on a cushion and meditating (I’m not a big fan of that, either). Mindfulness works best for me in movement; so I can be present in yoga, qi gong, or walking the dog.
But, as Eckhart Tolle puts it, “It’s not uncommon for people to spend their whole lives waiting to start living”. Practice starting living NOW.
Here’s a link to some thought starters about your own mindfulness practice; or go straight to Eckhardt; Thich Nhat Hang or anyone who knows a lot more than I do.
#3: Food.
Actually, I’m not sure this isn’t #1 because we are what we eat. And so many of us use food as a weapon; usually against ourselves. But if you can be conscious about your eating imagine what a change that might make in your life. To say nothing of the planet. Less meat; less sugar; more fresh fruit and veggies … make that choice today.
#4: Exercise.
Funny how something that gives us such immediate rewards – dopamine; endorphins, to say nothing of the larger physical and mental benefits – is the thing we often push back so far it falls off the end of the day. Make a choice of exercise; something you really enjoy. Walking, yoga; Pilates, martial arts and riding are mine. Then actually do it. Perhaps it means you need to get up half an hour earlier in the morning which might be the choice you need to make to get yourself to bed before midnight. But guess what? Do these things mindfully and be really present and you’ve killed two birds with one stone.
#5: Relationships.
Here’s a biggie. Nowhere but in your relationships with other people do your choices have such incredible impact. Once you start living consciously, becoming more practiced at taking responsibility for your own choices, then you can’t escape that the way you feel is your ultimate choice. Of course, this is a massive field and indeed the way in which your brain may be wired at present may make immediate responses feel completely out of your control. But you CAN rewire your responses, you CAN change how you feel and you CAN break your own cycles. Make choices # 1 -4; engage in some coaching and watch the most difficult relationships transform.
#6: Your Job.
The place you spend most of your life, when you’re out of bed. Is it fulfilling? Is it what you trained for? Does it challenge you? Does it surround you with people who push you to be your best? Is it fun? Work is a choice – be sure it’s not also a trap.
As we wrap up our exploration of these six transformative choices, remember that the power to shape your life lies within your grasp.
Gratitude, mindfulness, mindful eating, exercise, nurturing relationships, and thoughtful career decisions are the building blocks of a life well-lived.
It's not about drastic overhauls; it's about making small, intentional choices daily.
Embrace the journey of conscious living, and watch as these choices gradually weave into the fabric of your existence, fostering a sense of fulfillment and joy.