What is Coaching?

  • Central to the concept of professional coaching is the fact that the client leads the process in every way and at every stage.

    The answers that you come up with will be your answers; the solutions you find will be your solutions; the way your way.

    My job is to help you, no more and no less, either.

    The coaching client is capable of moving themselves forward; and capable of growth. Maybe they are stuck in the moment, but the capacity to move forward is the mark of the coachable person. Just by being here you’re showing you want to move forward.

  • Why coaching with me?

    My eighteen year journey with Sheikh, my horse, led me from my background in communications and marketing through Pilates, qi gong and kung fu to coaching.

    The Six Lessons he taught me are the core of my coaching practice. They have literally transformed my life and my relationships and they can do the same for you.

    The Six Lessons help you identify the patterns of thought and deed that hold you back. You use them to formulate what you want as your new ways of thinking and acting, and together, using the power of coaching, we build the new neural pathways to the new you.

  • How does the process work?

    First; we need to meet.

    We may have already done this in person but go ahead and book your free discovery session.

    We’re going to work closely together so we need to know we’re really comfortable with each other; a good match. If we are, we can discuss our contract which begins with The Six Lessons course.

    Once you are through that 12 week process, you can decide how you want to move forward – maintain regular weekly sessions for a period of time, cut back to longer periods in between, contact me when you feel you want to – it’s up to you.

    I consider my alumni have life membership. If you need me, my door is always open.